What is DNA?

What is DNA?

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It’s quite a mouthful, hence the simple abbreviation D-N-A. But what is DNA? DNA is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions that determine growth and development of humans (and most living things). Each cell that makes up every part of the human body has the same DNA. And people who are biologically related have quite similar DNA structures. For example, siblings have similar DNA structures. And twins have even more similar DNA structures.

What is DNA Testing?

DNA testing is a scientific process carried out to determine the biological identity of people, animals, or organisms. The process of DNA testing was perfected in the late 1990’s. And from the early 2000’s various companies have cropped up to offer commercial DNA testing services. Today, many companies have gotten into this field and the process has been well advanced.

At present, DNA testing is carried out in 3 main ways:

  1. Autosomal Testing
  2. Y-DNA Testing
  3. Mitochondrial Testing

These 3 modes of testing are different in that they look at different genetic information. And as a result, they are used to determine distinct genetic information from the DNA. 

How is DNA testing done?

In the past, DNA testing was carried out strictly in science labs and most of it was for research purposes. However, thanks to great advances in genetic technology, DNA testing is more mainstream and almost anyone can access the service, and for affordable rates too.

If you’re looking for the best DNA test out there, here are the different ways testing is done today.

  1. DNA testing at home

Today, most DNA tests are carried out at home. The process is quite simple. You simply search for a DNA testing provider online. Once you find a reliable company that you trust, you request a test. The company then asks you to register for the test. Here you fill in your personal details and explain the main reason why you want the test done. This information allows them to figure out what type of test you’re looking for (there are quite a number of them as you will see later). And finally, you fill in your address.

A DNA test kit is then sent to your home. Some of these kits ask you to swab your mouth, others ask you to provide a spit sample, and others ask you to deliver a piece of chewed gum. Once you have provided the sample, you then mail it back to the company. They then analyze and test the DNA and send you the results within a specified period, mostly 14 days.

  • DNA testing in hospitals

In some cases DNA testing is carried out in hospitals. This mostly applies during treatment, e.g. where they want to see if a certain person is a matching donor for blood or a body organ. Here the doctor authorizes the DNA test and a nurse collects a test sample from the patient, usually via a mouth swab or a blood sample. The sample is then sent to the hospital’s lab or an independent lab outside the hospital.

  • DNA testing in scientific laboratories

All DNA testing takes place in labs. However, some labs specialize in DNA testing, either for research or commercially. Some are operated by medical bodies, others by the government, and others by NGOs. These labs carry out testing for their own internal needs or for external parties such as law enforcement, government, hospitals, schools, research bodies, etc.

Applications for doing DNA testing

So you might be wondering, what is the purpose of carrying out a DNA test? Well, DNA testing has many applications in today’s modern world. People want to find out what their genetic make-up is. And that information can be used for various applications:

  1. Parenthood

Prenatal DNA testing is used to determine the biological parent of a child where there is doubt or contention. DNA testing is also used to identify thebiological parents of lost children or children who were adopted at birth. Without DNA testing this would not be possible.

  • Ancestry

Many people today seek ancestry DNA testing or family tree DNA tests in order to understand what their family tree looks like. This helps them understand who their parents, siblings, grandparents, and even great, great, grandparents could be. Modern testing can map out one’s ancestors going several generations up.

  • Ethnicity

Do you know what ethnicity you’re of? Don’t be so sure! Today ethnicity is all mixed up and science tells us that almost everyone now has mixed ethnicity traits. DNA testing is used to help people trace their ethnic roots. There’s African DNA testing, Native American DNA testing, European DNA testing, etc.

  • Health

Certain ethnicities and gene make-ups are more vulnerable to certain health risks such as loss of sight, certain illnesses, baldness, weight problems, etc. Carrying out a DNA test can alert you to whatever health issues you are more prone to so that you can either prepare yourself accordingly or so that you can try to prevent them.

  • Diet

Are you on a diet? Have you tried to lose weight but you can never succeed. Science tells us that by understanding our gene make-up we can understand the underlying factors that shape our diet such as slow metabolisms. For example, certain people are more prone to diabetes, obesity, and other diet-related issues.

  • Culture

Ancestry DNA testing and ethnic DNA testing is often applied to help clients understand their culture more. What were your ethnic ancestors into? What was their heritage? This information can help you discern what you might be good at in terms of arts, hobbies, sports, and more.

  • Lifestyle

DNA testing is also being used to help shape best lifestyle practices. By learning who you are and what the people before you were good at, you can then engineer your lifestyle based on what you are most likely to enjoy and excel at. This information is even being used by parents to help them choose which sports they should enroll their children in or which music instruments they might enjoy and excel most in.

  • Pets

Millions of homes across the US and the world have pets. And almost every pet owner would like to know the exact breed of their pet. That way, they can care for them in the best way possible, in line with the requirements of that particular breed. Hence pet DNA testing.  Today you can find cat dna testing, dog dna testing, and more.

Benefits of DNA testing

DNA testing has some amazing benefits that cannot be ignored. They include:

  • Determining parents/reuniting parents with children, siblings

In today’s world and amid the high populations experienced today, it would be almost impossible to trace families and siblings without the use of DNA.

  • Settling paternity disputes

What if parents could not determine who the biological father of mother of a child was? Those children would go about their whole lives sharing two parents, one of which would be a non-biological parent. And the same applies to inheritance battles. However, with DNA technology, each child can trace who their exact father or mother is.

  • Crime-busting

Police and detectives all over the world today rely heavily on DNA technology to trace people who have committed crimes or been in crime scenes. DNA testing alone has helped officers to successfully prosecute hundreds of thousands of criminals. In fact, DNA is one of the strongest and most reliable pieces of evidence when it comes to crimes such as assault, murder, rape, and other brutal offenses.

  • Faster and more accurate than records

And even where DNA is not the only solution to a problem, it remains the most reliable. For example, when tracing ancestry and ethnicity, one could take years going through records – if those records exist. However, DNA testing can take an average of a week to get the right results.

Should you carry out a DNA test?

Of course you should! Why not take advantage of a technology as great this one?

Thousands of people in the USA and beyond are using DNA testing technology to live their best lives. They are using this technology to shape their health, relationships, lifestyle, family trees, and more! And unlike some decades ago when DNA testing was beyond the reach of the people, today this service is just a click away, it’s more affordable, its only uses saliva (as opposed to blood), and it takes less time to get your results.